Blog Great Week

I was with a group of people recently and it struck me how obvious the answer was to some of their questions, or one question in particular.

Something that I’ve learned over the years and something that I put into practice, which is that they were suggesting they were not getting the clients, or new clients, or customer flow, or product sales, or attracting the people you want,  it is that they needed in their business, just wasn’t coming through.

And when I sit down and talk to those guys and ask them what their product was or how much activity they were doing to promote that product, the very, very same answer or similar theme was coming through.

They just were not doing enough.

So what’s enough?

What’s enough activity?

Well, there is never really enough activity for you promoting whatever is it you do, whatever your service is, whatever your product is, whatever it is you’re trying to attract.

You’ve really got to do as much activity as you possibly can.

And there’s a rule of thumb to say that you should do something every single day.

So for example, every single morning I will spend a little bit of time doing something towards whatever project it is I need to do right now.

Whatever I do to work towards right now.

For example, if I want to create new leads for people to come on board and join me as coaching clients, I must do something every single day.

And of course, I’ve got to chunk that down.

I’ve got to work out how many leads I want, how many leads I need, how good I am at converting those leads.

Then I have a number or an idea of exactly how many leads I need a week to actually meet my best possible quota or my best possible scenario, or what I want to work towards.

Because not everybody wants to work towards a hundred clients or a thousand clients or a million clients. Some people might be happy with just five clients a month, or maybe even only 20 clients a year.

One of the guys i worked with for a couple of years , really wanted to plan for the future and he only wanted to add on asset producing income to his portfolio each 6 months.

We had to work out his numbers so he knew what activity he needed to do each day to achieve his target.

Another I worked with wanted to add one a month … obviously her required activity was a different picture

So all these kinds of things, you have to be very clear on.

But the most important thing here is, that once you are clear on what activity is required, you’ve got to work every day to towards that.

Do something every single day.

For me, it’s every morning and that morning activity, regardless of what else is going on, has to be done. And I have to spend that time doing that activity every single morning.

So I might take an hour, I might take two hours, I might take 30 minutes.

Whatever I can get into my daily routine, I will do.

You might want to do something … For example, sometimes I’ve done a whole day on marketing of various sorts that’s going to be producing some kind of output that week or that month.

So realistically, it is very, very simple.

And the people that do take this action do get the results.

So if you’re one of those people that’s sitting there thinking, “I’m not really getting the results I want,”

Then ask yourself, are you actually taking the action that’s needed?

Are you taking action to generate those kind of clients?

If not then you know what you need to do

Have a great week and I’ll speak to you soon.

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