Are you in the 80% or the 20%?
FACT: There will be a General Election at some point in 2024.
Are you a business owner who’s concerned as to how this will affect your business?
Many people believe that government ministers have all the tools, advisors, and experience to make the right decisions. But history sadly tells us something different.
For small business owners, it really doesn’t matter who’s in government – honestly, it doesn’t! You have no control over the decisions the government takes – but you do have control over how you react and the actions YOU take.
You decide your attitude. You decide, and are responsible for, what happens every day in your business. As the owner the ‘buck stops with you’.
You can choose to make money or make excuses. You can’t do both – they are mutually exclusive.
If you analyse any industry or sector, what you’ll find they fall into 5 segments.
80% of businesses are currently in the bottom two segments – in an endless financial struggle, or they’re broke!
The only way to. move up the pyramid and out of these segments is by changing the way you do things. Implementing new strategies and doing things differently for the majority of your sector.
The changes don’t always cost money either. Some can be implemented for free!
Remember you‘re ultimately responsible for where your business is today. You’re also in the driving seat to take your business onwards and upwards. What will you choose?
Don’t stress about the election or what decisions some politician in Whitehall might make. Take control of your own decisions and get moving up the pyramid to give you and your family the life that you dreamed of when you started your business.
Remember you are the one who can move yourself out of the bottom 80% to the top 20%. All you need to do is think about and do things differently from the others in the 80%. Stand out, be different, and really help your customers with the service or product you provide.